Learn how to make onion fritters (also known as onion latkes) - easy and delicious vegetarian recipe. These onion fritters are crispy on the outside and...
Onions stuffed with meat and rice - original, beautiful and interesting recipe for stuffed onion. these stuffed onion are so rich and flavor that you can...
Portobello mushrooms are a nutritious and satisfying alternative to burgers made with beef or turkey. We topped these burgers with smoked cheddar cheese,...
These creative PB&J's will channel your inner-child while keeping current with your sophisticated grown up palate. Try the three suggested pairings below,...
Long beans are one and a half to three feet long and have a somewhat drier texture than string beans. Look for them in Asian produce markets, or try this...
Greek pastitsio (Pastichio) - a layer of pasta with cheese, layer of delicious meat mixture with tomato sauce and covered with third layer of rich béchamel...
Sweet Italian sausage and briny green and black olives top this flavorful grilled pizza. No grill? no problem. Cook this pizza dough in a cast-iron skillet...
This rosé pasta (pink sauce pasta) recipe is one of my favorite pasta dishes. A great combination of pasta with tomato sauce and pasta with creamy sauce....
This classic salad dressing is tasty tossed with romaine, cucumber, red onion, and radish. Ours-with paprika, canola oil, tomato paste, onion, lemon juice,...
Portobello mushrooms are a nutritious and satisfying alternative to burgers made with beef or turkey. Here they are accompanied by a spread of pureed cannellini...
Earthy taleggio melts beautifully, making it an excellent fit for a grilled cheese sandwich. Slices of juicy tomato and a couple leaves of fresh basil...
This ridiculously tasty chicken parmesan sandwich is the best combination of crispy breaded chicken strips, marinara sauce, and melty mozzarella EVER!...
Grating corn releases the milky pulp from within the kernels to create a creamy, rich base for this dish -- no milk or cream is added. Whole kernels add...
Spinach and cheese Quiche - this recipe is so delicious and rich! Good for special occasions, parties and birthdays. Instead of Gruyere cheese you can...
Serve this flavorful cabbage-jicama slaw from Stanton Social and Beauty & Essex chef Chris Santos as a refreshing accompaniment to spicier dishes like...
Hot fontina cheese adds tang to these open-faced sandwiches, which aretopped with an egg and accompanied by a red-leaf lettuce salad and a sprig of fresh...
Keep the heat outdoors with this grilled pizza topped with sweet fennel and onions. No grill? No problem. Cook this dough in a cast-iron skillet over high...